Wednesday 4 December 2013

 photos: August Lundberg

  photos: AL!

  photo: Marius Makos

  photo: Qing Lu

photo: Julie Bertelsen

Sunday 24 November 2013

>>>Final review Nov. 26th-28th in the Gym

Tue Nov. 26th
9am-12 noon: Hand-in of all material
1-5pm: Guest critic Susan Carruth, architect
Julie & Alex / Yasmine & Claudia / Frederik P. / Fabian & Max
Wed Nov. 27th
9am-5pm: Guest critic Karianne Halse, architect
Esther & August / Peng & Lasse / Amalie & Morten F.L. / Erik & Malene
Asger & Frederik R.L. / Eva & Lærke / Maya & Anne Katrine / Mads & Logan
Thu Nov. 28th
9am-12 noon: Guest critic Anders Kruuse Aagaard, architect
Victor & Louise / Morten B.H.; Jannik & Quing / Marius & Kristoffer
1-5pm: Guest critic Aida Vilanova Espanyol, architect
Ayaka / Eirin & Iben / Liv & Thea / Francisca & Gabriela
Please note that
presentation incl. video screening should be 20 minutes maximum
you should bring a USB key with all your dig. material, incl. video, to your presentation, furthermore that
all books and videos are to be uploaded to the R-drive > Bachelor > unit 2+3d_AL > F2013 > Phase IV > Books or > Video

Wednesday 6 November 2013

>>>Phase 4 [P4]: Materializing membranes

Ruye Nishizawa, Teshima Art Museum, Japan  (2010) [1] 

the act of construction develops its own momentum
Rosalind Williams

Résumé [P1-P3]
In [P1] the choice of a specific climatic phenomenon framed the exploration of potential relations between body-covering-environment and materiality-phenomena-effects. Applying the same optics in [P2] the structural and material properties of selected examples from the 20th century Western history of architecture were analysed. Maintaining a focus on the body-covering-environment relation, through the performance of series of experiments the objective of [P3] was the generation of a series of membrane probes which embodied specific, aesthetically programmed relations between the human body and the climatic phenomenon selected in [P1].

[P4] Materializing membranes > relations human body-environment
Based on conclusions extracted from the development of probes and prototypes in [P3], moreover relating to the team-specific directions concerning the required particular subject-matter of their [P4] production, the objective of [P4] is to demonstrate coherence between suggested materialization(-s) and the announced aesthetic intention(-s). This means that in each team the materialization of a minimum of 3 critically selected foci within their prototype(-s) is required to be performed in dialogue with a precise definition of a series of particular aesthetic programmes. In this context
a. critically selected foci should be understood as foci, the materialization of which will be of significance to the achievement of intended effects in the relation human body – covering – environment.
b. aesthetic programmes should be understood as the description of a scenario of intended effects in the relation human body – covering – environment.
c. Environment should – as a minimum requirement - be understood as: The chosen phenomena ([P1]); the chosen ‘time-scale’ or speed (see [P3]), and the chosen situation ([P3]).
In other words: In the development of each critically selected foci the teams are expected to materialize specifically programmed relationships human body – covering – environment maintaining a focus on the actual design of the membrane as mediator between the human body – the environment. In expecting materialization(-s) particular attention should be applied to
a. test and choice of material(-s)
b. the design of particular structural elements, i.e. elements the design of which are of paramount importance to the achievement of specific programmed effect(-s)
c. the design of specific spatial relations between the human body – covering – environment, i.e. spatial relations the design of which are of paramount importance to the achievement of particular programmed effect(-s)

Jean Nouvel, facade construction detail & photo, l´Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris (1987)  [3]

Initially, each team is required to produce a plan directing their development / materialization of foci. The plan should
> be based on a close scrutiny of [P4] production requirements
> entail a focused progression in the production within each team, as well as a clear distribution of responsibilities.
Please note that following pin up #2 Nov. 18th, all teams (unless otherwise agreed, see pin up #2) are required to focus on production related to the unit´s exhibition at Ramboll DK Nov. 29th-Dec. 6th
At the pin up special production related to the exhibition at Ramboll DK Nov. 29th-Dec. 6th will be discussed. Please note that based on the development of a ʻstory-board’ each team will be required to produce a video of maximum duration 5 minutes, which
> starts with a still of 10 seconds duration which announces project title; chosen conditions (phenomena; ’time-scale’ or speed; situation; structural system); first and last names of the authors (a matrix will be distributed).
> with the human body as optic documents the specific architectural qualities – i.e. relationships body – membrane – environment. Concerning the latter the documentation of architectural qualities should focus on, but not only relate to effects related to situation > chosen phenomena.
> with an emphasis on critically selected, significant effects are generated documents the structure.

Monday Nov. 11th at 9am / the studio
>>>[Pin up #1]
Presentation of
> a résumé of chosen phenomena; ‘time-scale’ or speed, and situation
> a résumé of the conclusions drawn from the production of probes and prototypes in [P3]
> extracted from – i.e. with a clear reference to - a. and b., the aesthetic programmes that guides the selection of a minimum of 3 foci
> the team´s initial plan for the production in [P3] entailing production substance; time-schedule; distribution of responsibilities.
Monday Nov. 18th at 9am / the studio
>>>[Pin up #2]
Presentation of
> foci development related to aesthetic programme(-s)
> ʻstory-board’ for the production of an exhibition video of maximum 5 minutes duration
> the team´s plan for the potentially still remaining prototype / foci production entailing time-schedule and distribution of responsibilities.

“Exhibition design, as I understand it, is much more than display. It is a means of visual communication, or, to put it less pompously, it is a treat for eye and mind – roughly, to help you notice things which otherwise would escape your attention or which you would never quite get from descriptions and pictures alone.”

Bernard Rudofsky

Tuesday Nov. 26th at 8am-12noon / the Gym
>>>[Final hand-in]
At the final hand-in of the fall semester assignment the investigations in [P1-P4] leading to the production of one or more prototypical membrane(-s) mediating the relation human body – covering – environment are to be presented.
Furthermore, the zig-zag book is to be presented supplemented by
> 3 pages per prototype: 2 pages documenting the prototype in drawings (plan(-s); section(-s); details(-s), potentially supplemented by model photographs. 1 page announcing the aesthetic programme of, and documenting a minimum of 3 critically selected effects materialized in the prototype(-s).
> 2 pages presenting a résumé of the development process [P1-P4]
> format: please follow the [P2] layout guidelines

The book is to be delivered both on paper and as a PDF document uploaded to the shared folder >>>> Shared (R) >Bachelor >Unit 2+3d_AL >F2013 >Phase IV

>>>Final review / the Gym
3rd-5th semester students: Tuesday Nov. 26th - Thursday Nov. 28th
6th semester student: Friday Nov. 29th
On the basis of presentation of
a. the chosen phenomena
b. the chosen ‘time-scale’ or speed
c. the chosen situation
d. the chosen aesthetic programme(-s)
an oral presentation, altogether lasting 20 minutes maximum incl. video screening, should emphasize the chosen prototypical materialization(-s), and – by the use of probes and foci - documentation of its (their) ability to produce the programmed effect(-s).
Construed as leading to the achievement of the qualifications required in the compulsory curriculum 3rd-6th semester project development and presentation will be evaluated regarding to their ability to respond to assignment requirements.

Thu. Nov. 7th               
2:00pm approx.: [P4] Introduction/ the Gym, Paradisgade
Mon. Nov. 11th                       
9:00am [Pin up #1] / the studio
Mon. Nov. 18th                        
9:00am: [Pin up #2] / the studio
Tue. Nov. 26th                       
8:00am-12:00noon [Final hand-in] / The Gym, Paradisgade
1:00pm-5:00pm [Final review] 3rd-5th semester students
Wed. Nov. 27th                       
9:00am-5:00pm [Final review] 3rd-5th semester students
Thu. Nov. 28th             
9:00am-5:00pm [Final review] 3rd-5th semester students
[Final review] 6th semester students (schedule to be confirmed)            
Fri. Nov. 29th              
9:00am-2:00pm [exhibition transportation + mount]
2:00pm [exhibition opening]/Ramboll DK, Olof Palmes Allé 22, 8200 Aarhus   

American artist John Grade´s Capacitor > Capacitor [Accessed 06.11.2013]

[1] NISHIZAWA, Ruye, Teshima Art Museum, Japan  (2010) [1] in: HALL, William (ed.) (2012) Concrete. New York, London: Phaidon Press, p.105

[2] WILLIAMS, Rosalind (2008), Notes on the Underground - An Essay on Technology, Society, and the Imagination, Boston, Mass.: MIT Press, 1st ed. p. 20

[3] Jean Nouvel, facade construction detail & photo, l´Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris (1987)<> [Accessed 16.08.2013]

[4] RUDOFSKY, Bernard,  Lecture Tokyo, December 5th 1958. p.2,  in: PLATZER, Monika (Ed): Lessons from Bernard Rudofsky. Life as a Voyage, Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2007, p. 171